Wednesday, July 31, 2019



computer functions
-Defination of computer:-
                                             Computer is a electronic device that accept dat from user ,processing data by performing calculation and operations on it and generate output as a result for the users.
In simple lauguage we can say that computer is
a electronic  machine that is able to take
information (as a input) , do some work on it
(processing) and make new information
A computer is understood to be a device that
computes or calculate or compute numbers.
computer functions

Function of computer and some definitions:-

Input:- Informations or data that is enter in computer.
              Means that data which provide to computer to performing operation on it. The most common input devices are keyboard, mouse,magnetic tap readers etc.

Output:- The data which provide computer for user after performing different operation.
It make processed data available to user.

Storage:- It store data and programes.

Processing:- It is the sequence of actions taken on data to convert it into information which is meaningful to user.It can be calculations or decesions taken by computer.

Data:-Unprocessed row facts and figure like numbers,text,audio,video etc.

Information:- When data is processed,organized structure and presented in given context so as to useful.

Instructions:- It is the command given to computer in computer lauguage by the user .

Program:- Set of instructions given to the computer in order to perform some tasks.

Hardware:- It is the collections of the physical elements that constituent a computer system.
Simply say - all the physical component of the computer including keyboard, mouse, monitor etc. are the part of hardware.

Computer functions
Computer Hardware(keyboard)
Computer Hardware
Computer Hardware(Mouse)

Software:- It is the set of programe and processures.
Simply say – software  tells hardware  what to do and how to do.The program and lauguage used by the computer are called software.    
Computer definations


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